Coffee Enemas
Coffee enemas cleanse the colon and give your liver a boost safely and effectively. When you have an unhealthy liver, your body can’t function properly, it’ll be congested, you’ll have allergies, headaches, psoriasis, etc. Clean your liver, dump your gallbladder, and your body will do what it’s supposed to do. It is shown that one coffee enema can increase your glutathione (the master antioxidant) levels by around 600% which binds to toxins and carries them out of the body. Coffee enemas are known to help flush out bacteria, heavy metals, parasites, fungus and yeast from the digestive tract, including the liver, gallbladder, and colon, while also lowering inflammation.
We have kits available for purchase at the store and we have ongoing coffee enema classes if you would like to learn more! Here is the link to register for our classes:
Sascha’s Podcast Episode on Coffee Enemas: